School Bus Cancellations December 10 - School buses have been cancelled in Timmins, Matheson, Iroquois Falls, Cochrane, Smooth Rock Falls, Kapuskasing, and Hearst.
Bodhi Day Wishing all those celebrating, a reflective day of spiritual growth and connection. May the teachings of the Buddha inspire and guide you on your journey.
International Day of Persons with Disabilities Today, we join our global community in recognizing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.Click the title to read more.
Meeting of the Board DSB1 is pleased to invite you to virtually attend the upcoming meeting of the Board which will feature a presentation about students with special needs in DSB1.Click the title to access the complete agenda and to view.
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery highlights the ongoing suffering individuals worldwide continue to endure. This day calls for collective action to detect, report, and eliminate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking, and eradicate child labour in all forms.
DSB1 2025-2029 Strategic Plan Engagement Survey We invite DSB1 students, staff, families, and community members to complete the engagement survey or revisit the survey to engage with other respondents’ anonymous thoughts to help shape DSB1's 2025-2029 Strategic Plan.Click the title to participate by November 30, 2024!
November 2024 Strategic Plan Vignette DSB1 is eager to present the November 2024 Strategic Plan Vignette. This video showcases evidence of our collective commitment to fostering personal excellence.Click the title to view and learn more.
Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá Wishing everyone in our communities honouring this day a reflective and meaningful commemoration of the Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Bahá.
November 26 - School buses are cancelled in Kirkland Lake, Timmins, Matheson, Iroquois Falls, Cochrane, Smooth Rock Falls, Kapuskasing, and Hearst. Schools are open. Click the title to learn more about cancellations.
DSB1's 2025-2029 Strategic Plan Engagement Survey As we begin planning for the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan, your input is crucial in shaping the future of education in DSB1.We invite DSB1 students, staff, families, and community members to complete the Engagement Survey by clicking on the title.